Apples To Apples? It All Starts With The Specs

When purchaser of dance floor tape compare brands, they often start with the price. Immediate skepticism can be the result when one brand is much less or much more expensive than the others.

While price is always a consideration, it rarely takes into account the actual specifications of the two products being compared.

In order to do that, you have to do a side by side comparison of the specs. That is the only subjective way to see how competing products compare.

While our Marley-style vinyl dance floor tape is marketed by us as a dance floor tape, it is actually made with a much larger user base in mind.

Aisle marking, designating safety zones, warehouse layout, striping and pipe wrapping are all uses for the same product that you might use to splice your dance floor.

Industrial users, particularly those how purchase in high volumes are much more price sensitive than arts organizations and dance studios.

Buying this more “generic” product as opposed to something marketed specifically for dance floors can mean big savings.

If you really want to do a fair “apples to apples” comparison. request a specification sheet from your current floor tape supplier.

See how it matches up to these specs when you consider whether to switch. is your source for cloth and vinyl dance floor tape.
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Harrison Bros. Inc.
47 North Chatham Pkwy.
Chapel Hill, NC 27517

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