On your mark, get set, dance!
You’ll be floored by our low Marley Tape prices!
The gaffers tape and vinyl dance floor tape is flying off the shelves! It is dance competition time! Dancing with the Stars is enjoying its 16th season. Amateur dancers all over the country are practicing and perfecting their routines in preparation of the upcoming competitions that are being held this spring and summer. It takes a lot of work to put these events together. We give a 21 tap shoe salute to Spotlight Events for their efforts to spotlight the future superstars of the dance world!
One thing we love about these dance competitions is they use a lot of floor tape. All 4 colors of Marley floor tape are dancing out the door by the caseload. We stock black vinyl dance floor tape, white Marley tape, grey dance floor tape, and clear Marley floor tape to make it easy to match your floor color. Need more vibrant, stand-out colors? We can get those for you. Just contact us with your color need, and your vinyl Marley dance floor will be ready for your future superstars to perfect their craft.