Let the Music Move You

white dance floor tape


Sometimes you just can’t help but move to the beat.  Get up and get out on that dance floor.  Sadly, not all of us have rhythm.  But did you know that it isn’t just humans that get the urge to shake their money maker?  There are talent contests that feature people dancing with their dogs.  I am guessing that the dog is just happy to be interacting with their human and doing things to please them.  That’s how dogs roll.  They are following commands, essentially doing tricks, not really dancing.  Birds, however, are a different kind of animal.


Have you ever heard of Snowball the Dancing Cockatoo?  (Move aside John Travolta!)  His owners put up a video tape of him dancing to a Back Street Boys song that caught the eye of a neurobiologist at the Neurosciences Institute in San Diego.  Snowball provided him with a concrete example of his hypothesis that the ability to move in time with a beat is tied to the ability to mimic sounds.  So if you ever get tired of teaching humans how to dance, you can always switch to parrots.  No more dance floors to tape down.  Oh, wait, that would be bad for business!  Nevermind…stick to humans, your floors will stay cleaner!

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